Monday, November 1, 2010

Come As You Are

I've heard this song over the past few weeks and finally came across the video and it just seemed right for today.

It's comforting to know that no matter where we are, Jesus loves us right there. I haven't been the most pleasant person to live with lately. I've gotten angry, have raged, cried, and ranted. My heart has often been filled with ugliness and hurt, instead of His joy and gladness.

Yet, in all that, I never felt Him leave me. Even in my darkest moments, He remained at my side, whispering comfort when I got still long enough to hear him. And I believe, that's how He is with all his children. He's not afraid of our miseries. To Him, they are a melody, as the song says. In our weakness, He is made strong. Why do we have to deal with our weaknesses? Because His grace is sufficient. Because it forces us to our knees and we have no where else but Him to turn.

We don't have to clean ourselves up to approach him. We come as we are. With all our fallacies and faults. He's okay with it. Just come.

Turn off the sidebar music and listen to Amy Grant talk about how she came upon this song and what it meant to her. Then sit back and enjoy the song itself. Be bless, my friends.


(Be sure to click the stop button on the sidebar music)

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