Monday, July 19, 2010

The Chair

It sat in our garage for over a year, a $5 price tag on it. In its present shape, no seat, splintered, scratched... it wasn't even worth that.

But I needed a chair for a quiet place to sit. A corner to stop and contemplate. Pray. Meditate.

I looked at the battered piece of once-considered-furniture and thought, "Yeah, I think I can fix it."

Husband cut a seat for it and I began sanding away the rough spots. I didn't want it too perfect. I wanted a rustic, old look, so I just made sure to make it smooth. Then after rummaging through the cabinet of stains, I found one to match the table it would sit next to.

I didn't have much hope at first of it looking all that great. But as I began to rub in the walnut pigment, something amazing happened.

The woods grain began to show and I couldn't help but think, "Wow, this is really a beautiful chair."

Then another thought struck me. How often does the world look at us and think, "That person isn't worth the trouble."
Yet, Jesus paid such a high price. And when God gets his hands on us, begins to rub away the rough spots, brings out our natural beauty and talent, the results can be staggering.
Just as my little chair was to me.

And now it sits in a quiet corner next to the prayer table. Its a place I felt God asked me to set in my house in the midst of all the redecorating and painting and moving items around. "Set aside one spot where the family can come sit and meet with me when they get tired."
Of course, God is with us wherever we go. But it's good to have a place to sit and meet. A place meant to find nourishment when we get spiritually thirsty. A rock to cling to during the storms.

In this quiet corner, we give God the opportunity to smooth our rough edges, to bring out our natural talents and beauty, to polish our spirits so they can shine in a dark world. Here, His word can speak through the various devotional books, the scripture cards, or the Bible itself. Here, we can journal our prayers and thanksgivings, our fears so others can pray.
Its a special place, put together with cast-away furniture remade new, for a cast-away soul to find renewal.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Phil. 4:6 NIV)
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)



  1. What a lovely post! I knew as soon as I saw that first photo of the chair it was going to be made grand again. Just as the Lord looks down on each of us, His works in progress, and is proud - I am sure this chair for you will always be cherished a bit differently than others who have never felt the neglect of time nor the simple love to give it it's proper 'rebirth'.

  2. thank you, LissaLou. That chair does hold a special place in my heart now, especially after realizing how God sees us and works on us. Which I guess is why each of us can boldly say, "I'm His favorite" and know that His heart is big enough to have unlimited favorites.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Beautiful post, Jackie. Love the visual lesson on God's grace.

    Blessings and BIG hugs to you, sweet friend!


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