Monday, August 9, 2010

Seasons Pass

Here is a glorious truth I once heard a pastor friend say: “It doesn’t matter how bad things get now, for those of us who are on our way to heaven, this is the worst it’s going to get.”

I got into my car the other day and noticed that the temperature read well over a hundred degrees.

And I thought about how just a few short months ago, Texas looked like winter wonderland.
For those of you sweltering under the heat, these next pictures might cause you to let out a yearning sigh.
For those who see this for the better portion of the year, I don’t want to know what you’re thinking right now.
It might be rude.

Feeling a little cooler now?

A Realization
During one of my morning walks- which has to be started nearly at the crack of dawn or I’ll pass out from heat exhaustion- I noticed the oaks were covered with little nubs of pale green acorns.

I smiled, knowing soon those leaves would turn gold, red and brown, those acorns would begin to ripen and the squirrels will go crazy-mad over them. They’ll be throwing late night BYON parties. (Bring Your Own Nuts- for those who don’t understand the ways of squirrels like I do.)
It’s a happy time with cooler temperatures and pumpkins and sweaters. Despite the many nights I have to stick my head out the window and yell, “Keep it down you squirrely little nutcases, you’re making too much noise with your partying!”

Praise God that this world and all that’s in it is ruled by seasons, by the rising and falling of the sun, by change day in and day out. Nothing stays the same. Nothing. How many times have you saw someone after many years and thought, “Whoa! Look at you…”
We change. Seasons change. Circumstances change. Problems go from bad to worse, and more often than not, to nothing at all.
Once I was in a troubling predicament and remember staring out the window at the leaves dancing around on a wind stream and asking God to show me what I was to do about that situation. A friend saw me standing there and wrapped her arms around me, resting her chin on my shoulder. Then she said the most profound words that I so needed for that moment. “Just as these leaves will fall, and this season will turn into winter, this too will pass into something else. You only need to hang in there a while longer. You can do it.”
Whatever’s happening right now, whatever season we find ourselves in, this too shall pass.

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

I can rejoice in this truth: That as long as I’ve asked Jesus to live in my heart, and I’m trip-skipping along the Kingdom road, then whatever I face now is the worst it’s going to get. I’m on my way home. Where I’ll spend eternity with God. Where there’s a big, for-real Jesus hug waiting for me.

In the meantime, He’s got me by the hand, walking through the high places, and the muck. Getting me through each season and on to the next.

Hang in there friends, fall and winter shall pass as well, and then spring is just around the corner.

Blessing to You!


  1. Wonderful reminders, Jackie. Love your last lines, "I’m on my way home. Where I’ll spend eternity with God. Where there’s a big, for-real Jesus hug waiting for me."

    Amen! I am so grateful to be going home!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Me too, and I can't wait for that big Jesus-hug!!!


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